The Castle Studio - ControlHub Expansion Pack
The Castle Studio - ControlHub Expansion Pack
The Castle Studio - ControlHub Expansion Pack

The Castle

ControlHub Expansion

About The Castle

Built in 1932 by a Chicago mobster, over the past 100 years the Castle has served as an underground casino, speakeasy, high-end restaurant, riding academy, residence, and since 1983 a world class recording studio. Since its start, Castle Recording Studios has served as birthplace to over 500 gold and platinum albums. Now get inside access to the Castles incredible collection of outboard gear.

The sounds

This expansion pack gives you immediate access to The Castle Studios SSL™ 4000G+ console and their collection of the most desired mixing outboard gear. Each channel of the console and outboard gear has been emulated using proprietary Tracing Technology and analog modeling, giving you total control in your DAW to mix with the console that has defined modern music productions. Also included are hardware signal chains for drums, bass, guitars, keys, and vocals created by The Castle engineers as inspiring starting points for your mix. The pack contains a total of 118 presets.

What's included

Get ControlHub & The Castle expansion pack, plus all current and future expansions

Full access to the ControlHub plugin and all features

All current and future Expansion Packs

Model your own gear with the Tracer

Full access to the Trace Exchange community

Pay monthly or yearly, cancel any time