Preset Name | Color | Dynamics | Master EQ | Effects | Notes |
Hard Click Kick | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Natural Kick | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Natural Kick LO | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Mesh Kick 1 | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Click Moon Kick | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
SOIA Natural Kick | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Kick Moon with Sample | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
SOIA Tight Kick | Drive | SSL Bus Comp Replica | EMT Desk EQ | | |
Kick Sub | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Kick Drum Bus Shred | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Shredhead drum bus processing |
Kick Natural + Drum Bus 1 | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Kick Natural + Drum Bus 2 | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Mesh Kick + Drum Bus | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah drum bus processing |
Kick Moon + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Moonspell drum bus processing |
Kick Moon Hollow | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Moonspell drum bus processing |
Kick SOIA + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + Avid Smack! | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes SOIA WTSD drum bus processing |
Kick Sub SOIA + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + Avid Smack! | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes SOIA WTSD drum bus processing |
Snare Top Shred | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Top Mesh | Console | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Top Moon | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Top with Sample Moon | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Top SOIA | Avid Lofi | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Big Rock Snare | Drive | SSL Bus Comp Replica | EMT Desk EQ | | |
Snare Big Rock Ringy Snare | Drive | SSL Bus Comp Replica | EMT Desk EQ | | |
Snare Snappy Mesh | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah snare bus processing |
Snare Snappy Mesh + Drum Bus | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah snare bus & drum bus processing |
Snare + Drum Bus Ringy | Avid Lofi + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Avid Smack! | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes SOIA WTSD drum bus processing |
Snare Top Parallel Comp Mesh | Console | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Top Parallel Comp + Snare Bus Mesh | Console | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah snare bus processing |
Snare Top Parallel Comp + Snare Bus + Drum Bus Mesh | Console | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah snare bus & drum bus processing |
Snare Bottom Natural | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Use with snare bus and drum bus presets |
Snare Sample Bright Distortion Parallel | Drive | Standard Audio Level-Or | BAE 1073 EQ | | |
Snare Bottom Hard Comp | Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Processed by snare and drum bus chains |
Snare Bottom Natural + Drum Bus | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah drum bus processing |
Snare Bottom + Drum Bus SOIA | Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + Avid Smack! | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes SOIA WTSD drum bus processing |
Snare Bus Tight and Hard | Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Bus Big Boof | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Snare Bus Thinner | Drive | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Bus Hard Comp | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Bus Hard Comp with Sample | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Snare Bus + Drum Bus Shred | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | bx_console SSL 4000 G | bx_console SSL 4000 G + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Shredhead drum bus processing |
Snare Bus Parallel Comp Shred | Drive | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 1 Shred | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 1 I’ll Be Damned | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 1 Moon | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 2 Shred | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 2 I’ll Be Damned | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Tom 2 Moon | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 3 Shred | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 3 I’ll Be Damned | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Tom 3 Moon | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom 4 I’ll Be Damned | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Tom Bus Shred | Drumforge DF-XCITE | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Waves L2 |
Tom Bus I’ll Be Damned | Drumforge DF-XCITE | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom Bus Mesh | Drive | | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Tom Bus Moon | Drumforge DF-XCITE | | Pultec EQ + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Waves L2 |
Tom Bus + Drum Bus I’ll Be Damned | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Hi OH Comp | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Natural OH | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Supersmash OH | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Hi OH Comp + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Shredhead drum bus processing |
Natural OH + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Supersmash OH + Drum Bus | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Moonspell drum bus processing |
Hat Loud | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Hat Mesh | Console | | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Hat Loud + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Hat Mesh + Drum Bus | Console | | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah drum bus processing |
Hat Cleanup Nasty Highs | Drive | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Oeksound Soothe 2. Weiss Limiter |
Ride Isolated | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Ride Natural | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Ride Isolated + Drum Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Shredhead drum bus processing |
Ride Natural + Drum Bus | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Moonspell drum bus processing |
China I’ll Be Damned | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
China + Drum Bus I’ll Be Damned | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Drum Room Shred | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room Lose The Snare Shred | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room Natural | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room Open | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room Dark | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room Bright Mesh | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room Fat & Dark Mesh | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | |
Drum Room 1 + Drum Bus Shred | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Shredhead drum bus processing |
Drum Room 2 + Drum Bus Shred | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes Shredhead drum bus processing |
Natural Room + Drums Bus | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + bx_console SSL 4000 G | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Signal chain includes I'll Be Damned drum bus processing |
Drum Room Bright + Drum Bus Mesh | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah drum bus processing |
Drum Room Fat & Dark + Drum Bus Mesh | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Meshuggah drum bus processing |
Drum Room Smash 1 | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Moonspell drum bus processing |
Drum Room Smash 2 | Console | Waves SSL G-Channel | Waves SSL G-Channel | | Signal chain includes Moonspell drum bus processing |
Drum Bus Shred | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Drum Bus Brown | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Drum Bus Edge | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Drum Bus Bright | Drumforge DF-XCITE | Waves SSL G-Channel + Avid Smack! | Waves SSL G-Channel + McDSP FilterBank P606 | | |
Drum Bus Boom | Console + Drumforge DF-XCITE | bx_console SSL 4000 G | McDSP FilterBank P606 | | Parallel Comp |